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Buzos nadan junto al mítico tiburón blanco más grande del mundo

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Deep Blue es una tiburón de más de seis metros de longitud, la cual fue captada por un grupo de buzos cuando realizaban un monitoreo de alimentación de tiburones tigre.

Una enorme tiburón blanca de más de seis metros de longitud fue captada en Hawai mientras estos se encontraba realizando un monitoreo de alimentación de los tiburones tigre. Las imágenes captadas por el buzo Ocean Ramsey son sorprendentes.

“Deep Blue (la tiburón) se acercó y se rozó contra el bote, tal vez está embarazada, ¿o tal vez le pica? Ella se fue nadando escoltada por dos delfines de dientes que bailaban a su alrededor” escribió Ramsey en Instagram.

La última vez que Deep Blue fue captada fue hace cinco años en un video que no tardó en viralizarse, pero desde aquella ocasión la mítica tiburón de aproximadamente 50 años de edad no había vuelto a ser vista, hasta ahora.

La enorme tiburón se mostró tranquila, tanto que hasta la pudieron tocar y nadar junto a ella, aunque no es lo más apto para los humanos, Ramsey apuntó que en ocasiones los tiburones se acercan en busca de contacto.


I waited quietly, patiently, observing as she swam up to the dead sperm whale carcass and then slowly to me passing close enough I gently put my hand out to maintain a small space so her girth could pass. I know some people criticize touch but what some don’t realize is that sometimes sharks seek touch, she swam away escorted by two rough-toothed dolphins who danced around her over to one of my @oneoceandiving shark research vessels and proceeded to use it as a scratching post, passing up feeding for another need. I wish more people would have a connection with sharks and the natural world, because then they would understand that it’s not petting sharks or pushing them off to maintain a respectable space that is hurting sharks (because trust me if she didn’t like being pet she can handle and communicate ) it’s the wasteful and cruel practice of grabbing and catching sharks to cut off their fins (which slowly kills them) for #sharkfinsoup in a process called #sharkfinning or the wasteful #sharkfishing or #sharksportfishing If it bothers you that I touched the shark please click on one of the hashtags above and leave them a negative comment first  #HelpSaveSharks #SpreadAwareness #FinBanNow #bansharkfinning #Sharkfin Vid shot on my @gopro #gopro3000 #goproforacause out with @oneoceandiving with @juansharks  @mermaid_kayleigh  @camgrantphotography  @forrest.in.focus  @oneoceanresearch @oneoceanglobal @waterinspired @oneoceansharks @oneoceanhawaii @oneoceaneducation #savetheocean #sharktouch #touchingsharks #oneoceanteam #discoversharks #discoverocean #greatwhitesharkinhawaii #freedivingwithsharks #whitesharkhawaii #deadwhalehawaii #dolphinsandsharks # #Hawaii #sharka

Una publicación compartida por Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) el


By @oceanramsey “What it’s like to lock eyes with a great white as it slowly and directly approaches me is a feeling I’ve been fortunate to experience many times before but how’s the rough toothed dolphin escort too  I can’t say enough about the importance of sharks for healthy marine ecosystems, for the ocean, we need sharks and yet, perhaps because of the negative and inaccurate way they are portrayed in mass media many people do not care that they are being killed at a rate of 70,000,000-100,000,000 every year! What’s worse, they are killed mostly just for #sharkfinsoup or for #sharkfishing as #sharksportfishing I would encourage you to take a look at the above hashtags and see the cruelty and waste and compare it to this reality of peaceful and respectful coexistence. #helpsavesharks #savetheocean I do not encourage people to do this. I’ve been working with sharks for over 15 years, over 30 species including white sharks all around the world. They are #apexpredatornotmonster not puppies...but this was the gentlest grandma great #whiteshark ive ever met  Deepest gratitude for my team and the incredible shot I will cherish forever @camgrantphotography Freediving this morning with @oneoceandiving #oneoceanohana @juansharks  @mermaid_kayleigh  @forrest.in.focus  @oneoceanhawaii @waterinspired @oneoceanconservation @oneoceaneducation @oneoceanglobal @travelcoffeeandsharks @discoversharks Fins @cressi1946 #tigersharkwetsuit by @xcelwetsuits  #greatwhitehawaii #divewithsharks #greatwhitesharks #oceanramsey #oneoceandiving #ocean #sharks #instagram #instagood #today #amazing #beautiful #madeofocean #teamoneocean “

Una publicación compartida por Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) el

Foto: Instagram @oceanramsey

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