• Entretenimiento

Mujer supera infidelidad de su marido, baja 46 kilos y hoy luce como modelo

  • Alberto García
La mujer, según la revista People, llegó a pesar 117 kilos

Una mujer fue víctima de infidelidad, por lo que se separó de su marido; pero no se dejó vencer por la depresión y decidió bajar de peso.

La mujer, según la revista People, llegó a pesar 117 kilos; pero el engaño la hizo reflexionar y redujo 46 kilos de su peso y ahora muchos dicen que luce como una modelo.

Betsy Ayala luchó contra su sobrepeso y nunca se preocupó de las consecuencias que pudiese tener para su salud. Tras dar a luz luchó contra la ansiedad y la depresión post parto, lo que la hacía comer más, informó la revista.

El enterarse de la infidelidad fue muy difícil para ella, ya que por medio de un mensaje que vio en el Facebook de su esposo, se enteró que él y su amante se burlaban de ella y la llamaban “vaca”.

Durante unos meses intentamos salvar la relación, pero no funcionó y nos separamos, pero decidí que eso no iba a definir quién soy. Y eso me motivó a hacer un cambio permanente en su vida”, expresó.

Los cambios en su vida han sido positivos ya que decidió hacer ejercicios y llevar una dieta más sana.

Hoy Betsy no se permite comidas procesadas ni refrescos de cola y hace ejercicios seis días a la semana. En su cuenta de Instagram, aclaró que a día de hoy ella y su ex esposo llevan una relación amigable y están criando a su hija juntos.


#GRATEFUL ... thank you to everyone who has sent me sweet messages or followed me because of all the stories. Never in a million years did I imagine this would happen but at the root of all this is my intention and that is simply to show that from your biggest setback can come your greatest comeback. Additionally I want to clear something up ... I started my weight loss journey before my relationship fell apart but once my marriage was over i had a moment of retrospect to make a decision of where my life was going to go from that point forward. I changed for me and for my daughter. I did not change for revenge, I do not believe in revenge at all. I can't control what people's opinions are or their assumptions but that is my truth. I tried many times since I was a child to lose weight but for one reason or another wasn't successful. I guess sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to dust off and fight for you. I wholeheartedly do not wish that was the case but that's how it happened. My ex is an amazing father and a great friend. He supports me and is beyond proud of me because I'm his little girls mom and because we are friends and parents of this amazing little girl. It also took work and forgiveness, prayer, understanding from both of us to get to that place but we did and he deserves as much of the credit for that as me. I love life I believe in family, forgiveness, compassion and love. That's what I'm about. Thank you for your support, love you guys!

Una foto publicada por Betsy Ayala 103 Lbs (@queen_b_b) el


Good Morning!!!!! ️ So I woke up to this article this morning and first just wanted to say thank you for everyone's sweet comments and messages. I did this interview a couple of weeks ago and I didn't know where and if it would be published but I wanted to be very transparent about my story. Not for sympathy or revenge but because I know that many people go through very difficult times and when you're in those moments you can't imagine ever coming out of them. I'm grateful for the opportunity god gave me to change with my team and #Herbalife and my intention is only to prove that your best days are ahead of you and no matter what happens resilience is in you. My ex-husband and I are best friends now and raise our beautiful daughter together. He's an amazing father and we've both come a long way from that place. Anything you want is possible if you're willing to put in the work. Love you guys!

Una foto publicada por Betsy Ayala 103 Lbs (@queen_b_b) el


Happy Transformation Tuesday!!!!! I was looking through my pics and realized these two pictures were taken in the exact same spot 3 years apart  it's one of the most exciting and scariest things to think that one year from this moment your life could be completely different than it is today. I think the scary part is we think we have no control over life but to a certain extent that is just not true. You can't expect greatness out of life if you are not willing to strive for greatness in yourself. We want 100% from our lives but are we giving 100% to our lives? In a couple of weeks it will be a brand new year ... I'm so excited to see what my 2017 will look like ..... "The new year means nothing if you're still in love with your comfort zone" ------------------------------------------------ #transformationtuesday #you #ownit #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #queenb #iamherbalife #iamofthislife #100lbs #fueledbyherbalife #watchme #orjoinme #livethelifeyoulove #lovethelifeyoulive #wellnesscocach #healthcoach #herbalife24 #fitmom #fitchick #mommieswholift #bestlifeever #transformation #fitspo #noexcuses #motivation #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #joinmyteam #beforeandafter

Una foto publicada por Betsy Ayala 103 Lbs (@queen_b_b) el

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