• Entretenimiento

Expulsan a joven por llevar falda demasiada corta a la escuela

  • Alberto García
Carey vestía un jersey de manga larga, una camisa debajo y una falda por encima de las rodillas, considerada una minifalda

Por considerar que su vestimenta era inapropiada, el Instituto de Beaufort, en Carolina de Sur (Estados Unidos) decidió expulsar del plantel a Carey Burgess.

Carey vestía un jersey de manga larga, una camisa debajo y una falda por encima de las rodillas, considerada una minifalda.

Por medio de Instagram la joven expuso su caso, en donde colocó la foto de la indumentaria que llevaba y por la que fue sancionada.

"Tu falda es demasiado corta. Necesitas una expulsión e irte a casa", fueron las palabras que un profesor le dijo en los pasillos de la institución.

Al parecer las normas señalan que las prendas que se usen deben ser "modestas y de la suficiente longitud", ya que no pueden estar más de siete centímetros por encima de la rodilla.


Today, I wore this outfit to Beaufort High School. About 20 minutes into the day, my friend and I were excused from class to venture to the vending machine because our teacher was planning to do nothing all class period, as usual. On our way back, I learned something very important about myself: I am a whore. As I was walking down the hallway, I heard a voice behind me. "Your skirt is too short. You need to go to in-school suspension and then go home." Thank you, Mrs. Woods. Thank you for teaching me that looking good for school is NOT appropriate. Thank you for letting me know that while I may think that I am dressing up for my Teacher Cadet lesson, I am in fact dressing to go to a night club or the whore house. Thank you for bringing me to tears in front of my friends and classmates because you do not have the decency to pull me aside and explain the problem. Then again, I did not have the decency to put on real clothes today. So maybe I am in the wrong. Maybe our society isn't yet advanced enough to handle 3 inches of my thigh. This is a patriarchal society and I am a woman. I have to be kept in my place, or I may do something that is so rarely seen in Beaufort High School- learn. You saved me, Beaufort High. As Student Body President, junior marshal, and a recipient of the Palmetto Fellows, I was heading down the path of hard drugs (good thing you're testing next year!), strip clubs, and sugar daddies. I don't know where I would be without your misogynistic views. How could I go on without a certain teacher making sexist jokes all class? How could I survive without my science professor letting me know I am an inferior woman? Yes, I am a woman. I am woman with thighs, a butt, and a brain. I am bigger than Beaufort High School. All of us are. Maybe instead of worrying about my skirt, Beaufort High should take notice of its incompetent employees, and sexist leaders.

Una foto publicada por Carey Burgess (@mynameiscarey) el


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