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Marysol Sosa le pide respuestas a Sarita sobre la muerte de José José

  • Agencia México
La hija menor del “Príncipe de la canción” reapareció en unas imágenes compartidas por el rapero Noé, junto a su esposo Yimmy Ortiz

Este lunes se cumple un mes del fallecimiento de José José, y mientras su hija menor reapareció en un video sonriendo y viajando a Orlando, Florida, los hijos mayores del intérprete siguen pidiendo explicaciones sobre los últimos días y muerte de su padre.

Durante el homenaje al “Príncipe de la Canción” en el Zócalo de la ciudad de México, Marysol Sosa aseguró que no descansará hasta que su hermana menor le dé respuestas sobre la muerte de su papá, e incluso no descartó recurrir a las vías legales para conocer los detalles que llevaron al deceso del cantante.

Sin embargo, tal parece que a Sarita no le afectan estas declaraciones, pues este lunes, cuando se cumple un mes de la muerte del intérprete de “Almohada”, reapareció en unas imágenes compartidas por el rapero Noé, junto a su esposo Yimmy Ortiz y otros amigos con una gran sonrisa y disfrutando de su viaje a Orlando.

Cabe destacar que minutos antes de que Noe compartiera el clip, Ortiz dio a conocer unas de las últimas imágenes con vida de José José, mismas en las que Sarita aparece cuidándolo.


It has been one month since the passing of your father @josejoseoficial . I have been looking back at the time he was with us. He was happy, he enjoyed your company, his eyes lit up every time you entered the room, his smile was proof that he loved you and was overflowing of love for you. This last month has been one of the toughest months in our lives. We went through a hurricane of emotions that didn’t allow you to mourn your fathers passing the way you would have liked to. I wish I could’ve changed that. I thank the many family members and friends that were there for us in those moments of weakness, those moments that felt like the world was on our shoulders and helped us carry that weight. There were those on the other end who did the opposite, and even though you were bullied by those family members, friends, the media, and the people, you held your ground to the best of your abilities. I don’t judge anyone, I understand perfectly well that we all react completely different to emotions and stressful situations. We are all entitled to our way of being. I understand that. @sari_oficial I admire your determination to take care of someone in need, to honor them regardless of what consequences might rise toward you. I sincerely hope someone will care for you the same way. No one knows the sacrifice it took to be there for your father better than I do. I Thank you for loving him, for looking out for him. Thank you for giving him the peace he always wanted away from the chaos that this life can be. Thank you for focusing on his well being. I witnessed the love you had for him on daily basis, a relentless love. On behalf of all of us who know all the good you did for him, THANK YOU!

Una publicación compartida de Yimmy Ortiz (@yimmyortizg) el

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