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Reto superado: Novia logra perder más de 50 kilos antes de su boda

  • Alberto García
Ginley le pidió a su Luke que la esperara, ya que su intención era bajar de peso antes de casarse

Jennifer Ginley, una joven de 26 años, decidió que no llegaría al altar si antes no lograba bajar de peso y lo logró. 

La chica llegó a pesar 126 kilos, por lo que decidió tomar una drástica decisión. Ella no quería caminar al altar ni mucho menos aparecer en las fotografías con un cuerpo que le incomodaba de esa forma.

Ginley le pidió a su Luke que la esperara, ya que su intención era bajar de peso antes de casarse y el chico la apoyó en su decisión.

Jennifer se unió a Slimming World,  una organización  que ayuda a las personas a bajar de peso y las acompaña en el proceso.

Había intentado muchas dietas en el pasado, pero todas parecían hacer que la comida fuera el enemigo, así que nunca renunciaba a mi relación con el exceso de comida y nada parecía funcionar para mí”, expresó Jennifer.

En un año la chica enamorada logró perder 57 kilos y ahora está irreconocible, además de que está sana y realmente feliz.

Su novio no dudo en pedirle matrimonio al ver que la chica había logrado su objetivo. En redes sociales la chica ha compartido fotos del antes y después de su cuerpo.


This picture from today perfectly depicts how I am feeling! My head has fallen offfffff! I have found myself speechless so many times today! I did not expect the coverage in press and on social media to be what it has; overwhelming doesn't begin to cover it. This was me this afternoon, after the press call, changed back into my usual none glam clothes ready to go home. I had the most incredible 24 hrs in @theritzlondon. I never dreamed I'd stay there in my life, the suite was bigger than my whole house! @slimmingworld have truly made me feeling like a Princess Miss Slinky. I've been treated like the most special thing on earth these last 2 days. It is an experience I will one day tell my grandchildren about I am sure. I hope those of you who watched my live stream this afternoon enjoyed it, sorry for being emotional but I cannot help it! I'm in such a a surreal bubble, everything I've dreamed of in my head is now reality and it will take a long time to sink in. I want you all to understand that YOU are capable of whatever your dreams are, never give up on YOU. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to the most incredible (in every single way) @meganfev who has guided me every step of the way and made me feel cool, calm, collected AND excited throughout. You make me feel more than prepared for my time as Miss Slinky. THANK YOU to Rebecca from the Events team at SW, as well as helping me through she chatted to me about THE BALL! I am going to be at the SW ball in November to be crowned Miss Slinky 2017 officially on stage. Have I been looking at gowns since I found out I won?! Of course! Too excited for words! Thank you to my incredible sister @cginner_x for being by my side throughout. I have had about 6 hours sleep the last 2 days, I am so exhausted. I'm back home next to my @lukehagan89 ready for a good nights sleep. I have a very busy day tomorrow - more interviews and a television appearance! I will keep you all updated tomorrow. I (with the help of Luke) have saved all the posts I have been mentioned/tagged in. I will get back to you all at some point, for now I just want to say THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el


#throwbackthursday My summer holidays exactly one year apart. In the left picture I had already been on SW one month, I had lost 1 stone and felt great! I started at a size 24/26 and was excited on that holiday as I was more 22/24. The picture on the right is me 1 month after hitting target! I had lost 9 stone 1.5 lb in one year and felt amazing!! I went on holiday with a case full of size 8 and 10 clothes and wore a bikini for the first time in years!! I've been proud of myself every single step of the way. I can't tell you how important I feel that aspect is. The whole world sees the effects of your weight loss and your nearest and dearest will be proud of you. Only YOU although will know the real change and feel the affects of it everyday as it's all in the mind. Become a stronger person everyday, a person you can be proud of. I've achieved many things in my life but without doubt this weight loss makes me more proud than all of that put together. When food is your thing, you weakness, your emotional crutch, whatever, it is hard to find a way out as everyone has to eat. At my lowest points I thought the only way to change was rule out food. I would calorie count to barely nothing, do slimfast, lighterlife and cambridge weight plan. As a student I spend so much money on horrid meal replacement plans.  SW gave me back my life, it made my trust myself with real food and it made me know that I am truly capable of anything I put my mind too. It's not easy. I lost this weight naturally with only diet, no exercise. The old me told myself that weren't possible, the old me doubted these types of transformation pictures. Simply because it was another affirmation that I was still too weak, I was still unable to achieve the same. I joined SW four times, I've failed countless times, NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU! I never fully enjoyed anything before, my weight was always an issue holding me back. The happiness I live now is indescribable and it's all because I fight that old me everyday. It's not easy but it is possible. I always remember two things - it's only food, it's not magical AND willpower is like a muscle the more you use it, the stronger it gets. You CAN do it

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el


#throwbackthursday Throwback to me winning the Member Acheivement Award at the Liverpool Fitness Professional Awards back in September. Never did I in a million years think I'd win an award at fitness awards ceremony. I was awarded it because of all the amazingly wonderful and kind people who voted for me. Including lots of you gorgeous followers. What an incredible evening that was with my love! My weight loss was down to food optimising and any fitness conscious, lean human will tell you getting healthy and lean is at least 80% diet. I only introduced minimal exercise after losing 7 stone about 2 and a half months before getting to target. Once at target I started training at @fitpharmuk 3 times a week and have definitely found a new love for exercise, I will neveerrrr do a box jump ever again though (don't fancy concussion again ). My weight loss with @slimmingworld gave me the confidence to exercise and I can't wait to get back to it. For new followers or those who don't know, I had an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) on 9th December. I will not be exercising until early April, I want to be fully recovered and confident in giving it my all. At 5 foot 5" I was 9 stone 7 lb on the day of my operation, I had 1272g of lose skin removed (2.8 lb). I had no liposuction and no muscle restricting. I'm lucky that I pushed my body to 19 stone 4lb and my abdominal muscles remained intact and well. Also I was very please with myself that I needed no liposuction! Once recovered it is mission 6 pack!! My whole body shaped has changed, it's so weird getting used to my body lose skin free. I'm currently still very swollen in recovery and expecting a gain on the scales. I'm scared to get weighed but I know it's temporary!! I have big thighs and a small upper body, I feel I'm like a pear shape now. I reallllly want toned abs now my belly is lose skin free. If I don't look like Beyoncé on the beach in Aruba in June I will be sad. #ijoke #beyonceisthedream #bodygoals

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el

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