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Chica baja 80 kilos y con su ejemplo motiva a no rendirse

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Por medio de Instagram, la chica ha compartido fotos de cómo lucía y cómo se ve ahora, mandando mensajes motivadores que invitan a lograr las metas que se proponen y a no rendirse

Alysha McNair es una joven de 21 años que llegó a pesar más de 170 kilos, esto por su adicción a la comida, ya que se dice consumía el doble de las calorías que debe ingerir una mujer (2.000) en sólo una comida.

Por medio de Instagram, la chica ha compartido fotos de cómo lucía y cómo se ve ahora, mandando mensajes motivadores que invitan a lograr las metas que se proponen y a no rendirse.

“¡NUNCA TE RINDAS! No lo hagas, sigue adelante. Si estás dando el 80%, da el 110%. Si quiere perder una cierta cantidad de peso en una fecha determinada, y no se presenta y no pone el trabajo que no va a cambiar, para mí mi ejemplo es mi trabajo”, publicó en Instagram.


NEVER GIVE UP! Don’t do it, keep going. If you’re giving 80% give 110% . If you want to lose a certain amount of weight come a certain date, and you don’t show up and put in the work you will not change, for me my example is my job. If I don’t give 110% effort I won’t reach my targets come game day. Same thing goes for fitness I know it’s hard, I know change is scary trust me I’ve been there and I am there but with other areas of my life. Being comfortable won’t get you anywhere you have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to change. Tracking everything, meal prepping, going to the gym, being careful of what you do and do not eat is hard yes. But so is feeling gross, being over weight, hating yourself, having no confidence not feeling good in outfits. In my personal opinion which one would you rather have? Yes both are hard but one brings you success and a brighter future. The ultimate choice is yours. But trust me when I say this even though everyone says it, in a year from now you’re going to wish you started today So GO OUT THERE AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL. If you give it your all you will beat yourself on game day and you will win your victory of whatever your goal may be. Remember that everything takes time but if you keep going and you don’t give up through all those hard times. You’ll make it. I’m living proof of it, everyone thought I was going to die including myself growing up. I attempted suicide 4 times, I got bullied so bad that I dropped out of high school and never went back. Police were involved, school board was involved. No one did a thing, I was pushed down two flights of stairs, I had my bike torn apart and put on the bike rack with no bolts in it so when I sat on it in front of the whole school it broke and I was labeled to “fat to ride a bike” I was told I’d never lose weight, that I would never help others and that I was worthless. I PROVED TO MYSELF , that they were wrong. It’s not your turn. GO PROVE THEM WRONG. It’s not their life, you are living it’s YOURS. You have the power to change it, the question is, how bad do you want it?

Una publicación compartida por Alysha Hope McNair (@goldcorosefitness) el

Si no le doy un esfuerzo del 110%, no alcanzaré mis objetivos el día del juego. Lo mismo ocurre con la condición física. Sé que es difícil, sé que el cambio asusta, confía en mí. He estado allí y estoy allí, pero con otras áreas de mi vida. Estar cómodo no te llevará a ningún lado con el que te sientas cómodo sintiéndote incómodo para cambiar”, agregó.

Los problemas con el peso que tenía hicieron que Alysha fuera víctima de bromas en la escuela, las cuales la motivaron a la joven de British Columbia, Canadá, a cambiar por completo su estilo de vida. La chica dejo la comida chatarra y se metió a un gimnasio.

Fui adicta a comer rápida y, a menudo, visitaba cinco restaurantes diferentes solo para completar una comida”, contó McNair a Mirror.

Pero después de ahogarme un día con una bebida gaseosa a los 17 años y esforzarme por recuperar el aliento, me di cuenta de que era una muerte o un cambio”, relató.


Life changes, but don’t get caught up in what’s around you. If you want something ask yourself how bad do I want it, are you willing to put in that effort, whether it’s weight loss, friends, career, vacation. Ask yourself what your values are, where do you see yourself in 1-5 years. Figure out where you want to be, then find out what you’re going to have to do everyday to get yourself there. It doesn’t happen over night, you aren’t in your current situation from an overnight change, it took years to build those habits it’s going to take months - years to break them. One thing I’ve learned is to stop stressing and over thinking, I still do it all the time. I always remind myself is it worth it to stress over seriously nothing. My favourite line is this, “ Do you have a problem, yes, can you fix it? Yes. Then why worry?” “ do you have a problem, yes, can you fix it? No. Then why worry” something I need to practice more. It helps cool down my brain a lot and helps me refocus. Work on yourself and development if you want to, go do that crazy adventure you have been thinking about. Go out there and just be you, is the first jump off a cliff easy? No it’s, it’s scary. You have all these thoughts in your head telling you no but your soul wants the jump. Take a few breaths, clear your mind. Count to 3 and then jump. Feel free, chase those dreams or goals whatever they may be. I never used to live this life, everyday it feels unreal. I am very grateful for my life and everything and everyone in it. Things get hard you realize sometimes being alone is way better and more beneficial for you in the end instead of surround yourself around people. Think for yourself and try to not let others around you influence your decisions and choices for better your life in the way that you want to. These two photos still blow me away I don’t know when I’ll ever fully accept the accomplishments I’ve made, but I know I’ll get there and I’m going to keep working on myself and focus on what is best for me, because I do want to help people but I can’t if my own head isn’t in the game. From 16/17 on the left 373 pounds, to 208 pounds. 185 pounds weight loss, 30 pound muscle gain.

Una publicación compartida por Alysha Hope McNair (@goldcorosefitness) el

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