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Niño que lucha contra el cáncer cumple su sueño de ser bombero

El pequeño libra una dura batalla contra el cáncer, el cual apareció en su vida desde hace año y medio

Trucker Dukes cumplió su sueño de convertirse en bombero y ahora es miembro un honorario del cuerpo de bomberos en Nueva York.

El pequeño libra una dura batalla contra el cáncer, el cual apareció en su vida desde hace año y medio.

Esta es una de las "trágicas bendiciones" que halló a lo largo del camino que emprendió hace ahora año y medio para luchar contra el mal, expresó la madre del menor.

Truker es originario de Maui, Hawaii, pero su familia se trasladó a Nueva York, donde es tratado de un neuroblastoma en estadio 4, un cáncer raro y agresivo que afecta al sistema nervioso.

La mamá del menor ha compartido fotos de su hijo, en donde muestra las cicatrices que le ha dejado la lucha contra el cáncer, pero además momentos felices de su pequeño en familia.

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Watch out disneyland!!! #dukesontheloose #makeawishhawaii #onedayatatime #LOVEbeatscancer #teamtrucker #truckercan

Una foto publicada por Shauna Dukes (@mauimammadukes) el


The streets of new york have been a little safer this past week with our #littlelegend strolling around!! ❤️❤️❤️#seriouslythoughthecuteness A long over due medical update... I will try and keep it simple... Basically we have finished 2/3 of the protocol for Truckers brain and spine relapse and then have been hitting various speed bumps mainly with liver enzymes which we now seem to have under control but the new glitch is he has developed a cyst on the end of the catheter that goes into his brain which means we cant use that port.. Grrrrrrr.. So we have been here this last week deciding how to move forward. Either way its another brain surgery to remove the port..double grrrrrr.. And the question is do we replace it with another one on the other side and continue treatment or call it good for the CNS treatment and go back to treating his systemic cancer( all the boney lesions that have never gone away) we did scans on the rest of his cancer last week and they showed stable if not improved which is a little win that we soooooooo needed. He is finally fully recovered from the last round of chemo and feels great so disney next week with the rest of the crue and then home for a week too!! #theresnoplacelikehome So if your the praying kind this is what you can lift up... That his cancer never ever grows again in his little body.. That we would have wisdom moving forward with treatments..and that the cyst doesn't grow anymore until we can figure out when to get it out or even better that the cyst would disappear!! Thank you for loving us well!! #LOVEbeatscancer #cancersucks #truckercan #truckertough #teamtruckerrocks

Una foto publicada por Shauna Dukes (@mauimammadukes) el


Today is one of those days when it would be super easy to have a pitty party.. Woke up to grey skys, missing my family, and nervous about our long treatment day. #cancersucks Today is the first day they are treating his cerebral spinal fluid which we have never done before. They mix the toxic nuclear medicine in some mad scientist lab somewhere in nyc first thing in the morning, then deliver it sloan and mix it there with liquid radiation where they inject it into his head port and then we have to wait 4 hours after to have a scan which means a several needle pokes having both ports accessed and not eating all day until after the scan because he needs anesthesia:(:(:( the silver lining? As we were walking to the hospital this morning we saw engine 44 on a call at the end of our street and realized we knew "the boyz" #littlestbrother #FDNYhasbigaloha and they gave us a ride so we could get there on time!! #LOVEbeatscancer #bestridetothehospitalever #yeahboyz Thank you for making our day a little brighter!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Lt.Bobby Jones and FF Ali!!!

Una foto publicada por Shauna Dukes (@mauimammadukes) el


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